Monday, December 8, 2008


hellooo....IM BACK...
Wut's the topic mean? okay , actually this topic it's not drawing my life style..but it's drawing my fashion life style...haha..I'm a simple person and very flexible..I can be a very tidy person (hahahaha) which mean use make up and very dress up but sometimes i can be very messy person ...In my whole life, i like being simple ...okay im gonna show you a few (only two) pic, which took at Dataran Merdeka, Malaysia..Thx to Gauri Shankar who took the picture of mine..

Simple life and Make it easy

Waiting down the street

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Music it's my life, cause my life it's music

The title above it's so me..hahaha..I like music, maybe I can say that i was born from music ( wut? so weird) hahaha...When i was eight to nine years old, my mom took me into a piano course and i finished this course in 16 years old..I've been in that course for almost nine years, but it's so weird that i can't read the musical note...(wut?wut?wut?) yes,it's true..( i have trick for you guys if you have a problem similiar to me) ..I just see my coach finger gesture and hear very very carefully every part that my coach played..HAHAHAHA...(cheater).After my coach knew that i cudnt read the musical note, my coach gave up to teach and tried to change the methode. He taught me by a cd player and he asked me to find a chord by myself...and it was working on me...ha ha ha ha ha..

In high school, i used to have a band and i was the vocalist..HAHAHA..We had so many job at that time, performed on every birthday party or high school events. But after we graduated and started our college life..everything that we made gone like the wind..huhuhuhu...but we still keep in touch each other..
Madagastar 2006
Band Tarki 2007

Because i like party (like wut i said before on my other post) , my friend (Ibam Adam) asked me learn an electronic music player (what is that actually?!) hahaha..yeah, it was CDj, he asked and taught me to learn a DJ equipment.. Electro it's my genre...i was so interest about it. I had performance in a few club, and my first time performance was held in Mezza nine (Redemption two) was so nervous..ha ha ha ha ha ...but after i've been college life, im not into in this activities...but i'll be perform as soon as possible..ha ha ha ha performance will be in Nu year eve's 2008 -2009 party..

Me - Ibam Adam

Mezza nine

Hidup adalah sebuah pilihan

haduh..jadi tringat siapa yang slalu bilang "Hidup itu pilihan , mati itu sudah pasti "( ehem ehem) Setelah melihat sebuah iklan yang ber- statement "Hidup itu adalah sebuah pilihan" ternyata benar juga ya dan tanpa kita sadari bahwa setiap hari kita selalu di berikan oleh Tuhan pilihan...Pilihan bisa membawa kita ke mana neraka , surga , jurang , pasar , kantor , ke mana saja......

Terkadang saya suka heran, sama orang2 yang sudah memilih pilihan nya, tapi mereka ga puas sama pilihan nya itu? Udah dapet singkong minta ubi, udah dapet ati minta ampela..
Apakah pilihan selalu dikaitakan dengan tingkat kepuasan manusia? kalo iya jawaban nya maka pilihan itu di takdirkan untuk tidak bisa memuaskan manusia , krn sifat manusia adalah TIDAK PERNAH PUAS..Hidup dalam ketidak puasan brarti hidup di dalam rasa tidak bersyukur.. according to surat Ibrahim:7 ( haha forgot already gmana caranya nulis ayat2 dari alquran) Dan Ingat lah tatkala Tuhan mu meberitahukan " Sungguh jika kamu bersyukur, niscaya kami akan menambah nikmat kepadamu, dan jika kamu mengingkari nya sungguh azab-Ku sangat keras"( it means that) Tuhan menjanjikan kepada mereka yang tidak bersyukur dapat azab dari-NYA..tapi knp mereka yang tdk bersyukur slalu mendapatkan pilihan untuk tambah tidak bersyukur lagi ya???? ( it's complicated rite?).
Tapi satu hal yang bisa membuat kalian puas dan bahagia dgn sebuah pilihan adalah.. mensyukuri pilihan kalian.

Jangan pernah takut memilih, krn taku memilih sama saja dengan GAGAL sblm berperang.
Manusia diciptakan untuk selalu bergerak.. bergerak.. bergerak..
Gunakan AKAL dan PIKIRANmu untuk memilih antara 2 jalan (pilihan) tersebut..


Hello,, ha ha ha ha ha..i'm very update ya wif my blog..Yeah actually, this is my semester break or i can say it's a long smester break ( 2,5 month for holiday) au au au ..(i've nothing to do so my activities only update for my blog..hahaha)it sound so nice that i got a long holiday, but for me it' will be so bored...but luckyly i got a job for this weekend..hehehe...but after that i'll be jobless..huhuhu..
Actually,for this holiday there are a few ppl that i really want to see. First one is Jesselyn Hartanto, she is studying in State, and at the end of this year she will be back to indo (i've never seen her for almost one and half year). We used to come to the club together, we had a crazy party all nite long.So really excited to meet her and see her attitude now ( have her changed it? we'll see)...The second one is Nadia Selo Adji..Oh my god, you , you , you, I miss you damn so much..and she's going home next week or even this week?!?!..(YESS)..In other words, if they back home , i will have a JOBLESS friends..hahaha..One thing that make me so excited to meet them that they will attend for my Nu year eve's can't wait to see you guys ...but im so sad that my lovely BFF (hahhahha) can't back home, she stuck in Japan..uh!! we used to hang araound every minute, every second and every step we took ( haha, hiperbowl bowl)..Aras ratri kara, please come back home soon...i miss our part that we had ....escargot 123..hahaha
I already have a plann , if both of you already in Indo .

1. We have to play bowling....
2. Kareoke is a must
3.SHOPPING wif me and ninung ....hahaha
4.Chilling chilling untill die ...

Me- nadia - jesselyn
Jesselyn in her silly face..(ups sorry jeh, i found it )

me- Aras Ratri kara

Monday, December 1, 2008

I like make people happy and satisfy...part2

Discern from my exprience, i made a little house party for new year eve 2007 to 2008 . It was held in Aston Rasuna , Kuningan, Jakarta. I like invite people and make them satisfy. Not only in Jakarta, in KL as well sometimes i invite my friends to have a little house party (in my house) just only for drinking wine and killing time. The latest party that me and my beloved housmate made was Halloween party and Sarah Sinyorah Surprised birthday party.It was so kewll...hahaha...More over, my next project is new year eve 2008 - 2009, i'll update my blog after that party and i think it will be more fun and marvelous.

Raditta Cidjie Harira Surprise Bday Party
Halloween Party 31st October 2008Farewell Party 2008
Tina Sindukusomo, Aras Ratri Kara, Nonie, Tersi Evaranti

My FAREWELL party , January 2008

Raditta Cidjie Harira Surprise Party, September 2008

Crowd Redemption two
New year eve's 2008
Tina Sindukusumo, Me, Aras Ratri Kara, Nabilla

I like make people happy and satisfy...part 1

I like party ,maybe i'm the one of party people in Jakarta or even in KL . It started when i was in High school and maybe i can say that i had a power to influence my friends went to the club every friday or saturday nite...hahaha..But it was about my past life because i'm getting older now (january 2009 i'll be 20 years old..oh gosh) that's why i'll change my mind to create my hobby into a little smart business ..(yeah actually it's not business,it's about they way to make ppl happy and satisfy)
Strated from Madagastar which my High School events , I was a donation team leader and was handling all the money that come and go (hahahaha).The budget was about 75,000 usd (can u imagine, it's only for high school events) and luckily i got the profit almost 8,300 usd, and the profit went for charity esp for WWF and the people who got the disaster at that time. I can say that it was totally success lah..hehehe..but it's a team work,it was me and all my friends job.(thx for all donation team member Ninung Trihamtoro, Eunice Salim, Nadia Isabella, Putrizkia, Nadia Selo adji, Sandra Lehman, Jesselyn,Onie Agustin,Gabriella Adindadinanti,and Nadia Putri )
The second project was prom nite..OH MY GOD...prom nite, it had to be so speciall. My friends asked me to be a leader team (again) to arrange all of our plann.Our budget was 5,800 usd. We took a place at Hotel Mulia ballroom Jakarta. I was so stressed at that time, first i had to concern for the final exam and the second this events must be go on.Me and my friends made a liitle strategy how to get money easily (bcause actually this event was illegal, we didn't get permission from our school). Before prom nite we made a little events was called REDEMPTION two. It was held in Mezza Nine, Spazio , Pondok Indah Mall 2. It presented to collect the money for our pro m nite..hahahahaha..There were a fashion show, band , and Dj session. I was so shocked, because there're so many people come and very enthusiastic to enjoy the party.Again and Again i was so glad to see the crowd happy and satisfy wth the events that me and my friends made.A week after, Prom nite was going on. More over, it was so fabulous and very glamour..and i can say that it was totally success.

REDEMPTION two, Mezza Nine
Prom nite
Eunice Salim,Andhira Rachmawati Purbo,Guida Arezzi,Me,Cecillia Jessica Sadikin, Onie Agustin
Nadia Isabella, Nadia Tusin

Me and Asher Rabrindra Pesik
as Leader of
Tarakanita 1 and Pangudi Luhur 2007
Prom Night

PIC of Lamortha

Fashion show at Limkokwing University (sold out)

Nuansa - dark angel

Coreana Agashi - my fellow green

Me - Summer Paradise

Tania Larasati - tropical dress style(sold out)

Me- Raditta Cidjie Harira - Stella Tanuwidjaja

Thx for Christian audi ,Prabowo Prassetyo ,and Stella Tanuwidjaja (as Photographer)
Bian Dwijo as a Graphic Designer of Larmotha's Logo
Raditta Cidjie Harira, all models above and Merah Putih Club (LUCT) that allowed us to present the fashion show on 18 August 2008.


Swestika is a young girl 19th years old who has studying in Limkokwing University (Malaysia). I am taking Professional Communictaion which is not me (so far) hahaha, but i can still enjoy my life there .More over, I graduted from Tarakanita 1 high school in 2007. I like everything about art(drawing,singing, playing all the music intrumentall,partying and last but not least the shadowpuppet or we called it wayang kulit .hahaha) I've been drawing or sketching since 11 years old. One day we had a dinner at my lovely house (b2-1-3,cyberia smart home, malaysia) and suddenly the idea came from my mind to built a little smart business and because we're so proud about our traditional craft which is batik ,we made LARMORTHA for public .

Larmotha is the part of my life which made in June 2008 with my beloved housemate Stella tanuwidjaja and Raditta Cidjie Harira. We took the name of Larmotha from the name of keris (a weapon, and spiritual object, krisses are often considered to have an essence or presence, with some blades possessing good luck and others possessing bad) that had a three branches and the head was like a dragon . We hope that our power such as a dragon (ha ha ha ha). We decided our task , me as a designer(even im not a real designer and im not a fashion student) , stella and dita as an owner which are handling all the marketing strategy and events that will be going on . Larmotha is a dress and clothing store that sell an authentic batik which made in Indonesia. We try to introduce our traditional craft to people from around the world.

Me in Museum Batik Jogja, Jogjakarta